Sunday, June 21, 2009

The ONLY President Who Told the Truth

I have always held President John F. Kennedy in high regards. I think he was the last GOOD president we've ever had. From the moment he took office until the moment he was killed, he was all about taking care of the United States needs. He didn't play the kiss-ass game with other countries. When in 1962, the U.S.S.R. moved nuclear missiles into Cuba to intimidate us and scare us, he did not back down and thus the Cuban Missile Crisis began. Russia was the one to back down, not us.

Today, all Obama seems interested in is making us look like a bunch of rich, no-good, lazy Americans who do nothing but take, take and take more. He announced we're no longer considered a Christian nation. Well, I don't know what country's Constitution HE'S reading but mine says, we ARE a Christian nation. We were founded for religious freedom, for God's sake!!! We are free to worship (or not worship) any God we choose but that doesn't mean we're not still a Christian nation. He's so full of shit, that's why his eyes are brown!

However, this President told the truth! He might have been a slut puppy, sleeping with anyone in a dress, but HE put US first. You have to admire this man!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Brenda for this amazing video clip and message. I am particularly interested your experience with and thoughts about CPS so I will keep on reading. B - Pasadena, CA
